Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photo Birth Story

I wanted to document the process the best I could while still supporting Dana. Thanks to Dana's determination and preparedness I was able to shoot a lot!

It was so great to witness the birth of our son and see Dana execute her birth plan to perfection. Here are a few photos documenting the progression.

Dr. Lopez checking Joshua's heart rate.

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Lucia checking the baby and doing a wonderful job supporting Dana.
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One of my favorites of the day. Dana was so strong and so in control.
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Eva and Micah with looks of anticipation. They so badly wanted to hold little Joshua.
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Mom's first hug.
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On the weigh station...Not too happy about that.
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Louise Chapman said...

So beautiful. Love that third photo. Can't wait to hear Dana's birth story and hear how things are going for you all! Congratulations again!

Tara Bear said...

Congratulations to the Willms family! Wayne will be so jealous when he hears you had his boy! lol

Dana, I am sure you did a superb job, and I can't wait for you to post your story. I think I'm already ready for another! lol

Jon Courtney said...

wicked shots Andrew....nice work. So fun to see your moments.

Rita said...

Thanks Andrew for the beautiful pictures so we can all get a glimpse at this awesome miracle! Congratulations to you all!

Unknown said...

So awesome! Keep them coming!