So I finally got my MacBook Pro and although it is super fantastic I must say that I have been extremely frustrated. I am very inefficient with my Mac. Aperture is good but it has been tough to get used to. Lightroom seems more intuitive but I'll learn it. I bought Photomatix Pro and I love it. Here is my first HDR with the new program. I took this tonight at the beach.
congrats on the mac. you'll love it. forget aperture and stick with lightroom. it rocks. this is a great shot Andrew....well done with the hdr. that software looks pretty great.
Thanks Jon. I'm an aperture guy now and there is no turning back. I'll let you know in 3 months if I made a mistake. I will say that Photomatix is awesome and is really worth it. You really just need the lightroom plug in.
aperture are enjoying it? it seemed more sluggish to me but I was trying it out on an older computer. is it pretty quick with the new mac? both softwares are very powerful....I just preferred the workflow of lightroom....that and we could get lightroom for $99 through a discount program.
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