Sunday, October 4, 2009

What am I trying to say?

This was the question I was asking as I was editing my photos today. This morning I stuck Dana with all 3 kids for about an hour and went out to shoot. (Thanks Dana!) I decided to drive to some of the farms and small little towns that surround Torreon. (by the way Torreon has an accent on the second "o" but I can never find the right key stroke to type it when you say Torreon, make sure you put the accent on the second "o")
I was ready to meet some people and awkwardly ask if I could take their picture. Seriously, I was ready.
But was I ready to tell a story with my images or was it just good enough to get a picture of someone, anyone? I'm not so sure. To go out and interact with someone in your second language is never easy. So, just getting an image is a really good start.
As I review the images I made this morning some of them just don't tell the story I wanted. However, at the time I shot them I thought they'd be good. Now don't think I'm down. I'm actually stoked that I could go out and shoot and that I was bold. I'll continue to do this as much as I can and to try and remember to tell a story with my images!

My first stop was an intersection outside of town. There was a young boy and an older man selling newspapers. I watched them for about 5 minutes as they worked the street. The image shows them just waiting however, minutes before they were hustling. The older man ran across the street to sell to a busload of people. When he returned I bought a newspaper and then asked if I could take his picture.

Waiting for the Sale

My next stop was a farm. I saw the farmers at the farmhouse behind the fence so I pulled over, got out, held up my camera and asked if I could take a picture of their farm and of course, them as well.

Their farm....
Farmland - Torreon, Mexico

After I shot the field, I returned to the farmhouse and asked if I could get a shot of them. I took one frame and as I put my camera to my face for the second shot, the farmer said with a smile on his face, "I thought you said only one shot?" I quickly responded that I was no professional and it takes at least 10 shots to get a usable image. He laughed. I wish I would have made that image, the one of him laughing.

Mexican Farmers

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