Sunday, August 30, 2009

Testing the new gear.

Thanks to my mother-in-law, all my new equipment arrived safe and sound. I've been playing like crazy and trying to understand off camera flash.

The 580 EX 2 is great. Way faster recycling time than the 430ex. However, I really haven't tried all of the functions so I can't say it's way better than the 430ex. I'm sure it has a ton more features but I've yet to really attack the details of it. I will say I'm super impressed with the Canon ST-E2. It is a device that attaches to the hot shoe of my camera and controls my 430 and 580. I used it outside yesterday and got great response. It wasn't super sunny yesterday so I probably got better results than I would have if it had been.
Anyway, Dana modeled again for me and we shot in the backyard. The objective was to take a bright day and turn it into a night time looking shot. I realize these images aren't great but I'm learning and thought I'd post my progress.

In this shot I had the 430 ex on a tripod about 10 feet behind Dana. I had the 580ex off camera right zoomed to a 105 with a minus 2 exposure. The cool thing is even though my camera could not see the 430 ex flash, it still fired. (The ST-E2 communicates with an infrared transmitter and has to see the receiver signal)
I really like the ring light it gives to separate Dana from the background.

Here is the shot without flash...

In this shot we moved the 430 from behind Dana to off camera left. Bobbi held the flash low to the ground to light up the ground and Dana's lower half. The 580 stayed where it was. The flash is too hot in this image but again I'm learning. (My excuse is that my lcd screen on my camera is too small...i need an upgrade!) (Check out Canon Rumors for new info on lenses and cameras from Canon...the new 7D looks interesting)

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