Saturday, August 8, 2009

Studio Shoot part 2 (and camera gear)

I've been studying/reading a lot of blogs lately and I think I'm learning a lot about light. I decided to splurge a little and by a bit of lighting gear. On the way, courtesy of my Blue Bomber cheering Mother-in-law, (don't hold it against her) is a Canon 580ex2 speedlight, one ST-E2 Transmitter, an umbrella, mini soft box and some other odds and ends. I'm excited about working with multiple lights soon.

Here are the rest of the shots from today's shoot.
This entire horse/cowgirl scene was orchestrated by Eva. She was on fire with ideas.





I was trying to teach her how to pose. I forgot to get her to smile.


Enter Micah....this is trouble.


This shot took a while to nail. How many missed high fives can happen in 2 minutes? A lot.


Anonymous said...

nice upgrade... but no pocket wizards??? Come on Dana, let andrew have the pocket wizards (right louise?). Did you get the tripod mount for the flash and umbrella? If not, how are you going to mount everything together?
The high five is awesome, how many frames until you got that one? Missed you in osoyoos but louise wants to go south for Xmas so maybe we will see you then and happy birthday buddy... just a few weeks late.

Andrew Willms said...

no pocket wizards this time...I'll see how this transmitter works. I got a tripod and 2 mounts for my flashes. I took maybe 10 frames until they finally connected. Wish we could have been there with you guys! Happy Birthday back to you buddy. Let us know if you'll be in Cancun this Christmas and we'll meet you down there.