Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photoshoot - Us

Yesterday the good people at GC Photography snapped some photogs of us at Campbell Valley Park. It was great hanging out with Gary, Louise, Kai and Koen. We shot some photogs for them and they shot some of us.
I really like all the can see more at the Chapman's blog.

Thanks G and L for the pics....I think my favourite is the one Gary took of the Eva doing the crazy face and Micah peeking through my legs on the chap's blog. That will be a print on our wall!

Willms Family Photoshoot

Willms Family Photoshoot

Willms Family Photoshoot

This was a painful sequence...But awesome...
Willms Family Photoshoot

Willms Family Photoshoot

Willms Family Photoshoot

Willms Family Photoshoot

The park was super nice....The kids did a lot of running...

Willms Family Photoshoot

Tree B&W

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice guy, really nice. I can see who the flexible family members are...